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For years Wayne has pursued his peoples histories through documented archives as well as verbal tellings shared with him through his relatives and members of his community. With this knowledge Wayne along with his skill for reading First Nation markers means he has been able to pinpoint where a great battle between the combine forces of Gunnedah, Minila & Koinberi and the Bundarra people took place. This is First Nation history at its rawest, predating colonization, its cultural significance is paramount and legacy crucial.

While documentation of this event exists, Wayne a descendant of the Jukenbul people has been able to ascertain the rough geographic location of this battle and hopes that by sharing this historic event he can offer his community and the next generation a chance to fully appreciate the importance of who his people descend from and allow this powerful  story to contribute to the broader indigenous identity within Australia.

Nimbula, Tingha, Bullawangen:
Aboriginal People & Their Land 

An incredible resource documenting the Wanoruah (Wonoruah) or Bundarra people of the Upper Gwydir, New England region, NSW; historical, cultural and mythological associations with Stony Creek, Tingha, Bullawangen Mountain, Nimula (Nuccorilma) region - access and relations with neighbours; associations with local properties - including Bassendean; reserves - Bushfield (Bundarra), Emmaville, Glenorchy, Long Gully, Murroombah, Ngoorumba, Noocoorilma, Pindari, Severn River (Sevington), Sutherland Waters, Gooniwigal, Yarrowyck; burial places - burial practices and attitudes to the dead; contact history - settlers' stories compiled for Stony Creek region; genealogical lists and biographies of community leaders (Mary Ann Sullivan,[Hammond, Munro], Nellie Cross, Olive Strong, Florrie Munro; various appendices.


Written in collaboration with First Nation people of Tingha New South Wales.

First published by Van Leer Foundation in 1974.

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